Dear Dragon Power

Super Inteligent Engine for New Network Access

Dear Dragon Power

Thank you very much for your teaching over these past years, without the discipline you taught I would not have had the strength to fight as hard as I have.

I had thought to approach you in about a month, when plans were more concrete and less confidential, but I here from Oliver that Coach has a shot at getting into UFC and by bringing you in early he will stand a better chance.

At the moment begging discussions with 4 companies that have assets over $1B, I am under confidentiality clauses for 3 of them, but I can tell you that we have just begun preliminary talks with Bulgari.

To cut a long story short the aim is to make a coalition of 16 conglomerates, each will pay at least $1B each. This money will be used to buy 16X16 miles of Beachfront land, in a European economically troubled country, Portugal, Spain, Ireland but first prize in Greece, a pervious client of mine will be asked to do the negotiations.

For there $1B the conglomerates receive 1x16 miles of Coastline, they rezone the land and sell it off at a profit. The next Dubai style building frenzy begins.

There is a very deliberate reason for there being 16 conglomerates.  16 Spectacular sports villages will be created and excellent youth training program. The original model was built for FIFA to start a global league.

The global league principal can also apply to UFC, 16 very well sponsored teams. If you can get someone in the UFC group to sign a confidentiality clause I can offer more details of the other companies involved and what there specific roles are.

The PR campaign will consist of high budget movies and TV Series, I am happy for you to tell UFC that Coach will play a major role. I’d expect this potential exposure will improve his chances of getting the invite.

Now you can get behind me and help draught a proposal now, or you can wait until we have significant funding secured. It’s up to you.

One thing is for sure, If UFC can give me an email saying, “If the funding is secured, we will sit down for talks about potentially creating a global league” I will be just about certain to get one maybe two conglomerates created, and after one has said yes the last 15 will be easy.

Nick Raymond Ball
083 414 5922
